Tuesday 20 June 2017

Maintenance Occurring On Nintendo Networks

If you're currently trying to play online with your buddies, you may want to know the following:

  • Android: Nintendo Switch Parental Controls (update data)
  • iOS: Nintendo Switch Parental Controls (update date)
  • Europe: June 20th (2AM to 10AM)
  • UK: June 20th (1AM to 9AM)
  • North America (EST): June 19th (8PM) to June 20th (4AM)
  • North America (PST): June 19th (5PM) to June 20th (1AM)
  • Japan: June 20th (9AM to 5PM)

NB: the times listed below are those initially listed by Nintendo. Maintenance may end earlier than scheduled, or may last longer.

Source: http://www.perfectly-nintendo.com/nintendo-maintenance-page/

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