Thursday, 4 May 2017

Spring Is Here!

No two days are the same in Animal Crossing, but it's especially true with the change of seasons. It happens so gradually after the snow melts that few people notice it unless you happen to be around when the leaves on trees turn pink on the 1st of April. :)

And what a spectacular show that is, too - the pink blossom floats in the air, and everything looks so beautiful you'd be forgiven for thinking you were walking in your very own fairy tale!

Many Animal Crossing mayors have saved their dream towns on this day to give their dreamy visitors a spectacular show. :) Personally, I think that's a great idea, too, but I also love how temporary it all is - giving you a sense that life goes on in Animal Crossing and elsewhere. :)

So now that spring is in your towns, what do you plan on doing?

Some people like the philosophy that spring is a time to be out with the old and in with the new. This may mean letting residents move on if they want to, or pulling up the flower beds and starting a new. In others it may be a more drastic change - a change of town perhaps? It's not uncommon for mayor's to pack their own bags and move on, searching for a new place to make friends and build a home.

But it may be possible to bring old friends with you! What with the Amiibo cards, inviting your dearest animal villagers to come live in your town is simpler than ever.

If you could ask a villager to come with you to a new town... who would it be, and why? :) Why not let us know by emailing the :)

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